
Showing posts from March, 2018


Edith Cowan University School of Business and Law Unit Code : FBL5010 Unit Title: Managing People and Organisations Assessment 1: Reflective Journal (40%) The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate that you are able to reflect critically on your own learning using a set framework. You need to reflect on the unit content including the text, blackboard material, group discussions, activities and assessments. You will be asked to submit this reflective journal entry via CADMUS on Blackboard outlining what you have learnt and how this learning will impact on your future management and goals. Four entries are to be compiled into one document with a meaningful table of contents. Two of these entries must relate to the following topics: One reflection on teamwork in organisations and one reflection on communication in organisations. The other two entries must be on topics delivered in the unit BEFORE the due date of the assessment. Each entry will stand alo...

Project Management Assignment

                      PPMP20009 Project Management Methodology                                     Assessment Specification                                        Written Assessment Objectives This assignment is designed to encourage the development of ability to apply project management  concepts, methodologies, standards and frameworks to new situations, the ability to explain reasons  why organizations adopt project methodology, the ability to critically analyses the impact of project  management methodologies upon stakeholders, the ability to compare and contrast how different  domains might apply project management methodologies and finally the ability to explain and jus...


Assignment : Cryptography Question 1:   Security professionals need to ensure that they keep up to date with the latest threats and security issues. This allows them to update their risk profiles, such as identifying if their systems are vulnerable. In order to determine what the risk to an organisation is, you need to know what the problems could be. In this assignment, your task is to identify a recently announced security vulnerability and write a profile of the threat. The profile should contain: 1.     Name of the threat, 2.     Systems it attacks, 3.     How it performs its attack, 4.     Mitigation strategies 5.     Discuss on the scope of the threat in terms of who could be exploiting this vulnerability (Cyber criminals or state nations) 6.   Concluding reflection (100 words) on the adequacy of the mitigation strategies. Your report should be maximum 2 pages and shou...

Information Security Management

COIT20263 Information Security Management (Term1, 2018) Assessment Item 1 - Group Discussion I The Scenario for Information Security Management Assessment Tasks Cosmos is an online newspaper publishing company located in Sydney, Australia. Cosmos has a global network of freelance reporters who report news from every corner of the world. Customers who are interested in reading the online newspapers and watching live video feeds have to register with Cosmos and pay a small fee online. The major income generator of Cosmos is the advertisements which contain live and playback videos in some instances. Cosmos accepts any type of advertisement from companies and individuals as long as it complies with the media codes, guidelines and regulations in Australia. It is estimated that 100,000 people will access the newspapers of Cosmos every day at the beginning and it will increase to 500,000 within 3 years. Cosmos has provided the freelance reporters with suitable telecommunicatio...

Security Task

Assignment : Cryptography Question 1: Security professionals need to ensure that they keep up to date with the latest threats and security issues. This allows them to update their risk profiles, such as identifying if their systems are vulnerable. In order to determine what the risk to an organisation is, you need to know what the problems could be. In this assignment, your task is to identify a recently announced security vulnerability and write a profile of the threat. The profile should contain: 1.    Name of the threat, 2.    Systems it attacks, 3.    How it performs its attack, 4.    Mitigation strategies 5.   Discuss on the scope of the threat in terms of who could be exploiting this vulnerability (Cyber criminals or state nations) 6.   Concluding reflection (100 words) on the adequacy of the mitigation strategies. Your report should be maximum 2 pages and should contain relevant tables, calculations, ...