
Showing posts from December, 2020

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

  Module:                    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (MD4044) Academic Year :  2020 – 2021 Academic year Semester:                 Two (2) Program of Study:  Master of Business Administration Formative Assessment This is an INDIVIDUAL written assignment, worth 50% of the overall module mark. Assignment 2 of 2 INDIVIDUAL written assignment Weighting for module 50% Format MS word file Marking Individual marking Grades Gradeband (see BlackBoard): pass = 50% and above Research Present references as required to support your narrative   Task: Attempt a discussion of the similarities and differences between the Discovery and Creation View on th...

Capstone Project Assignment

ROYAL DOCKS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND LAW   Assessment Guide   Module Title: Capstone Project Module Code:MK7247   Level 7   Term 1   Summary   Assignment Weighting: 100%   Word count:   6,000     Thinking skills Draw on a selection of current research and scholarship in the relevant discipline and apply it in a specific practical context; Identify and critically evaluate available evidence and develop a sound interpretation of the evidence in support of the aims of the project. Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgments in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences;   Subject-Based Practical Skills Depending on the choice of format, students will demonstrate consultancy skills, industry anal...

Career Mistakes Students Must Avoid

During the early stages of your working life, or throughout your student years; You are always told about supposed career faux pas which you must avoid at all costs. Here we help you remove the noise and outline the 4 biggest career mistakes you can make. Below mentioned are career mistakes to avoid . If you can avoid these 4 mistakes, you will be on a fast-track to career bliss.   ·          Ignoring Your Passion One of the most important aspects of career success is the consistency of your career path with your passions. If you are passionate about your work, then it won’t seem like a chore. Not only will you feel fulfilled if you do what you love, but over time you will become great at what you do. In short, if you follow your passion, not only will you enjoy what you are doing, additionally you will be better at what you do. Discovering your true passions can sometimes be incredibly difficult. The philosopher Allan Watts suggests...

Microeconomics Assignment And Its Importance

  Microeconomics occupies a vital place in economics and it has both theoretical and practical importance. It is highly helpful in the formulation of economic policies that will promote the welfare of the masses. Till recently, especially before Keynesian Revolution, the body of economics consisted mainly of microeconomics; In spite of the popularity of macroeconomics these days, microeconomics retains its importance, theoretical as well as practical. It is microeconomics that tells us how a free- market economy with its millions of consumers and producers work to decide about the allocation of productive resources among the thousands of goods and services. Today we are going discuss in brief the importance of microeconomics in student’s lives . ( Salvatore,2008) Advantages Of Studying Microeconomics Price Determination- Micro economics helps in explaining how the prices of different commodities are determined.  It also explains how the prices of various factors of productio...