Elementary Guide To Efficient Literary Analysis
Literary analysis is one of the most frequently occurring nightmares for the Literature Students worldwide. Long staring contest with the computer screen do not result in a critical analysis coveted by the professors, which might fetch good grades. The following course of action might motivate one to stop with the above mentioned staring match and get started on the long overdue analysis and who knows one might develop an interest in the process as well. What is a literary analysis? It is often misconstrued that the literary analysis is the plot summary, which is centred on an overarching scheme. No, it is not a mere reinterpretation of what is already given in a particular work of literature. The questioning of our essay shifts from ‘what’ to ‘why’, i.e., the main purpose of writing an analysis is not to merely state facts but to question the why behind the facts, application of certain previously formed theories or/and to contest some notions. It means to break down the ...