Report Writing: Why Is An Effective Time Management Strategy Important For Jobs?


In today’s world, due to immense presence of options, distractions are natural among people due to use of social media, stress, cell phones, emails, online meetings, PDAs, conference calling, bill payments and telephones, making mind multi-task to conduct different personal and professional doings. As stated by Achemu (2017), due to multi-tasking, time management becomes difficult for the individuals for distributing time among the different work. People generally are cramming into accomplishing business activities and lives followed by managing, scheduling as well as prioritizing tasks those have become quite critical. While managing time into diverse activities, both quality and quantity are hampered to accomplish those tasks in scheduled time and hence time management comes into role for making best use of time. As opined by Aeon and Aguinis (2017), time management is defined as the strategy of planning the available time as well as controlling time amount that has been spend on specified tasks for accomplishing the tasks effectively and efficiently. Time management skills facilitate setting-up skills, mindset, tools and techniques those help in accomplishing activities effectively and efficiently. Although time management is overlooked nowadays and people try doing things all at one time, it leads to unproductive work, hampered quality of work and low productivity followed by error occurrences accordingly.

As stated by Bajec (2019), time management is quite important than money and importance and essentiality of time is overlooked at times and that causes rising competition in today’s life. As the competitiveness has been raised across the world, the individuals with better time management are successful in accomplishing both personal and professional goals. It is the art of management that comprises of tools, systems, principles, practices and skills those help accomplishing work. The research aim discusses about the importance of effective time management strategy that is required for accomplishing the jobs. In this research study, the researcher discusses about Time Management Matrix, importance of time management strategy in organization, advantages of time management strategy, significance of having efficient management of time and different time management strategies adopted within the organization along with barriers to poor management of time accordingly.

Importance Of Effective Time Management strategy For Jobs

As stated by Bakkerand Leiter (2017),time is an important thing and it waits for none and utilizing time, it helps in accomplishing jobs correctly within scheduled time. It comprises of tools, strategies and techniques for utilizing as well as maximizing work with effective time management that helps in developing good organizational personalities. It helps in managing time in a profitable way and that helps in improvement contentment as well as satisfaction regarding completing work within the scheduled time. With time scheduling, it helps prioritizing work as well as betterflow of work at the work due to effective management of work. Dhamija et al.(2019) had opined that due to lacking of time management at the workplace, it leads to production of poor quality of work followed by missing deadlines, raised stress levels and ruining the work-life balance. According to university assignment help experts it also hampers the professional reputation of the employees and that demotivates them on getting good remuneration and good working environment. Improvement of time management helps in accomplishing work in-time.

As opined by Galiana (2021), the 5 steps towards time management comprises of planning ahead, prioritizing work, eliminating distraction, preventing multitasking, and rewarding oneself for good work. Planning ahead is the 1st element to good management of time and it helps saving challenging and important part of the productivity. The 2nd step is prioritizing tasks and that helps evaluating project for determining tasks and making priorities on basis of the projects. It is focus on provision of crucial projects. Gordon et al. (2018) had stated that with elimination of distraction, it defines with distracting priorities and it leaves towards distractions at the time of websites those have been distracting the websites. Multitasking is another step that helps managing the time and it focuses towards completion of multiple projects. It decreases productivity and for completing the multiple projects and that prevents avoiding the mistakes. Rewarding oneself for good work is the last step towards time management. Rewards help in motivating the job as well as achievement of good work and life balances.

Discussion On Time Management Matrix

The time management matrix comprises of principles like “The Pareto’s Principle”, “Murphy’s Law”, “Parkinson’s Law”, “Carlson’s Law” and “Illich’s Law”. As per the opinion of Galiana (2021), “Pareto’s Principle” is known as the 80-20 rule and is applied to time management. As per the rule, with 80-20 rule, it states that 80% of results have been derived and 20% of the results have been the efforts. It aims developing the personalities and it helps lacking need pf focus for improving the personality. It helps creating good impression on the boss and it helps preventing time misuse and also helps achieving the aim. Ikele (2021) had stated that as per the “Murphy’s Law”, it had stated that in-case anything goes wrong, it will be going wrong. As per the theory, it is about project planning, management of performances, assessment of risks and improving creativity. Project planning helps using inopportune time. Performance management helps in case things goes wrong, it will. Risk assessment conducts ongoing things to go wrong. Get to know more from assignment help team of experts SourceEssay.

As per the opinion of Olyaiekhachic et al.(2020), as per the“Parkinson’s Law”, it had stated that it is the important law to work within the organization. As per this principle, work will be expanding as the time available for the completion of the work while the time is provided. It helps setting reasonable as well as realistic deadlines and that helps accomplishing tasks. It helps in following progress to the work and also helps in accomplishing the business work in-time and for accomplishing the jobs in-time. Pinto and Ramalheira (2017) had mentioned that as per the“Carlson’s Law”, it had stated that the uninterrupted work will be less efficient and effective and that helps in taking more time that is required for completion continuously. It helps in starting tasks and completion of the same along with isolating the work for completing the work. The uninterrupted work will be effective in case the time is managed well. As mentioned by Pinzone et al.(2019), as per the “Illich’s Law”, it had stated that as per this law, it reminds that human behavior encourage that due to unfortunate tendency through intinction for seeking satisfaction and for escaping stress. It helps in utilizing the time to the best to accomplish the work for seeking immediate satisfaction of job completion. It helps accomplishing work and also helps in improving task importance and also helps improving urgency of the work.

Importance Of Time Management Strategy In Organization

Time management and importance of time management helps people in accomplishing the activities to get completed in-time and in a fast way. With time management, it helps individuals in managing lives as well as time efficiently and effectively. The importance of time management strategies in the organization are limited time, scarce time, spending personal time, accomplishing work with effective efforts, higher time spending options, keeping time on-track, and doing things in scheduled time context. According to the opinion of Van Pham et al. (2021), and assignment helper limited time is an importance of time management strategy in the organization. Due to limited time, it is advisable to each of the individuals in spending time cautiously, profitably as well as wisely. It is the way of spending equal time by each of the individuals. Scarce time is another reason for integrating time management strategy in the organization. Lacking of time has been blamed by the individuals’as they cannot get their personal and professional spaces that leads to excess stress and unfulfilled lives. Hence, time management helps in setting priorities and preventing wastage of time. As per the outlook of Walden et al.(2017) and online assignment help professional spending personal time is an importance of time management strategy in the organization. It helps managing time for conscious choices and that helps in time management for spending the overall work. Accomplishing work with effective efforts is another reason for integrating time management strategy in the organization. The senior members have become quite productive with use of improved skills of time management and that helps accomplishing work with provision of less efforts. It also facilitates reducing wasted time as well as effort for making improvement of productivity within the day. It helps in allowing making good balance of the activities as well as fulfilling lives (Yuen et al. 2018).

As opined by Zardasht et al.(2020), higher time spending options is an importance of time management strategy in the organization. Chances have been higher in-case spending time in making intelligent choices and time management will help in making conscious choices for spending time doing things those have been quite more valuable and important. Keeping time management helps making conscious choices and that helps making things valuable and important. Keeping time on-track is another reason for integrating time management strategy in the organization. It helps listing down long-term career and planning time and use of management those help in keeping things on-track. The goals have been stated as well as time has been allocated and that helps in accomplishing jobs as well. Achemu (2017) had stated that doing things in scheduled time context is an importance of time management strategy in the organization. It is important for putting things correctly in correct context and also helps in maintaining balance in life. With proper management of time, it teaches us in relaxing from time to time and the management also allots time and also helps maintaining balance in life. You can much more about report writing from essay writing help of SourceEssay.

Advantages Of Time Management Strategy In Organization

The advantages of time management strategies present in the organization are delivering work on-time, providing higher work quality, higher productivity with effectiveness, less procrastination, less anxiety and stress, improved life quality and higher career growth and opportunities. As stated by Aeon and Aguinis (2017), delivery of work on-time is one of the advantages of time management strategies present in the organization. Allocating finite time-period helps completing work on-time and it helps in managing workload effectively. It helps in delivering work and managing time as well. Provision of higher quality of work is another advantage of time management strategies present in the organization. It helps in time utilization and that helps in higher quality priorities that helps enabling the work with full focus and attention and that helps improvement of work quality. Bajec (2019) had mentioned that higher efficiency and productivity is another advantage of time management strategies present in the organization. It is the effective time utilization and that helps in making business productive as well as efficient. It helps overall improvement of productivity and that helps in preventing work quality compromising on the work quality. It ticks off the tasks those are quite urgent and important and takes efficient time managing skills to be completed.Less procrastination is another advantage of time management strategies present in the organization. It is about application of good managerial tricks for improving jobs working. It helps elimination of procrastination and that helps in tasks added to the system (Galiana, 2021).

As opined by Bakkerand Leiter (2017), less anxiety and stress are another advantage of time management strategies present in the organization. It hampers productivity and that makes the employee feel overwhelmed and that takes a huge tool on the health. Excessive hypertension and stress also lead to heart diseases, obesity, depression and tensions. With better time management, it reduces unnecessary stress as well as tensions from individual’s’ lives. The advantage of time management strategy in the organization is improved life quality. Excessive hypertension and stress also lead to heart diseases’, obesity and depression that reduces unnecessary stresses as well as tensions. According to the opinion of Dhamija et al.(2019), higher career growth and opportunities is another advantage of time management strategies present in the organization. With improved life quality, it helps in focusing on personal relationships and personal life. With improvement of life quality, it helps improving business automatically. The rise in effectiveness and that helps in good reputation in work and that helps in improving promotional opportunities.

Significance Of Effective Way Of Managing Time

In order to accomplish different jobs, it is important to have effective way of managing time. The significance of having effective time management is improving life quality, reduction of frustration, given mental peace, increased energy level, and higher quality of time. Gordon et al. (2018) had opined that improving quality of life is an important significance of efficient management of time. It helps improvement of life quality as well as it helps managing time and leaving behind stress as well a lacking of time those spent for personal interests are resolved effortlessly. Reducing frustration is another significance of managing time. It helps creating balances between the personal and professional life, preventing tiresome and hectic routine. As mentioned by Galiana (2021), and various essay typer giving significance of effective way of management of time is done for providing good peace of mind. It helps in improving health and disease-free life and that helps in preventing adversely in effecting people. Social ties between people and administrator also helps in managing time in an effective way. Increased level of energy is an important significance to way of managing time. It will help in increasing administrator’s energy level with proper managing of time with improved way of organizing the cluttered minds. With time management, it helps in completing unfinished and unhandled businesses within deadline. Ikele (2021) had stated that significance of efficient way of management time provides good quality of time. It helps in making progresses as well as helps an individual in leading people to the fullest and it also helps in improving survivals.

Different Time Management Strategies Adopted In Organizations

The diverse time strategies those adopted present in the organizations are planning work ahead, setting clear priorities, focusing on one task at times, minimizing interruptions and setting shorter deadlines. Olyaiekhachic et al.(2020) had state that planning work ahead helps accomplishing specified time frame and that helps in correlation between the project success and planning.It is about quality planning for rising the chances of the project and is cost-effective in nature. Setting clear priorities help in clearing focus regarding task organizing. It also helps setting priorities clearly and that helps in conducting tasks as per the urgency and efforts. Pinto and Ramalheira (2017)had mentioned that focusing on one task in one-time and it helps in multitasking and also helps switching tasks from one to the other. With minimized interruptions, is another diverse time management strategy and that will help in project documentation and creation of report. Setting shorter deadlines is another important strategy of the organization and that helps in improving workforce. It helps reviewing work and also chances of completion accordingly.  Know more about time management strategies from plagiarism free assignment help experts of SourceEssay.

Reasons Behind Poor Time Management For Jobs

The reasons behind poor management of jobs due to ineffective time management are television, telephones, internet, unexpected guest and inability to deny and procrastination. As stated by Pinzone et al.(2019), television is one of the excellent reasons behind poor management for jobs. Watching unnecessary information on the television is a barrier to the individuals in completing work and late night watching of television also delays next day scheduling of the work. Telephone is another reason behind poor management of time for the jobs. Though telephone is one of the excellent tools of communication, unnecessary phone calls disturb the entire work. It also helps attaching caller identification system as well as answering machines for tracking important calls. Van Pham et al. (2021) had mentioned that internet is another reason behind poor management of time in accomplishing the jobs. It is disadvantage and people tend doing unnecessary work like chatting and watching videos. It is undisciplined life and that leads to barrier to management of time. Unexpected guest is another reason behind management of time for accomplishing jobs. It includes family and friends those learn adjusting to the distractions. Creative ways using Assistant Registrars are difficult while handling the unexpected visitors. It is not preferred to ask the guests and family members to call in certain time.

According to the opinion of Walden et al.(2017), inability to deny or say “no” is another reason behind poor management of time while accomplishing the jobs. People tends to lean towards leaning individuals down and it fails achieving the work within time. This inability of the people to deny others hamper the work schedule of the people and that hampers the individuals ‘work of accomplishing their own work. The procrastination is the other reason behind poor management of time while accomplishing the jobs. Due to procrastination, delaying of work is evident and the individuals’ fail to complete the work. It causes delaying working schedules and also fails individuals’ from accomplishing the scheduled work (Yuen et al. 2018). Get to know more about report writing and ask for write my essay anytime from SourceEssay.


The research aim discusses about the importance of effective time management strategy that is required for accomplishing the jobs.It is stated that tools, strategies and techniques are utilized for maximizing work at the workplace and accomplishing jobs in-time. In this context, it is also discussed about the 5 steps towards time management comprises of planning ahead, prioritizing work, eliminating distraction, preventing multitasking, and rewarding oneself for good work. It is stated that the importance of time management strategies in the organization are limited time, scarce time, spending personal time, accomplishing work with effective efforts, higher time spending options, keeping time on-track, and doing things in scheduled time context. The advantages of time management strategies present in the organization are delivering work on-time, providing higher work quality, higher productivity with effectiveness, less procrastination, less anxiety and stress, improved life quality and higher career growth and opportunities. The significance of having effective time management is improving life quality, reduction of frustration, given mental peace, increased energy level, and higher quality of time.The reasons behind poor management of jobs due to ineffective time management are television, telephones, internet, unexpected guest and inability to deny and procrastination. The diverse time strategies those adopted present in the organizations are planning work ahead, setting clear priorities, focusing on one task at times, minimizing interruptions and setting shorter deadlines. The time management matrix comprises of principles like “The Pareto’s Principle”, “Murphy’s Law”, “Parkinson’s Law”, “Carlson’s Law” and “Illich’s Law”. 


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