
Showing posts from April, 2018

Python Programing Task

Data and System Integration Assessment and Submission Details Task 2 consists of a demo code package and a technical report for the integration plan. Submit your work as a .zip file, which contains the code files (another .zip file) and your report (a .docx file), to Blackboard Task 2. Please follow the submission instructions described in this document. The assignment will be marked out of a total of 100 marks and forms 30% of the total assessment for the course. ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism by Safe Assign system provided by Blackboard automatically. Refer to your Course Outline or the Course Web Site for a copy of the “Student Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion” guidelines. Assignment submission extensions will only be made using the official Faculty of Arts, Business and Law Guidelines. Requests for an extension to an assignment MUST be made to the course coordinator prior to the date of submission and requests made on...

Business Process Analytics

ITECH 5404 BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYTICS AND CHANGE Assignment 1: Reading Circle Assessment Details Background A reading circle is a small, peer-led discussion group whose members read the same article. Your reading circle will focus on an area of business process management and change . Reading circles are successful when students come prepared by having read the article and by participating in a discussion about the article. This allows students to share the results of their research and investigations with other members of their team, and gather feedback regarding thoughts and ideas. Requirements Students are required to work in a team (3-5 students). Each individual student is required to: •       Select a peer reviewed journal article on some area of business process management and change related to the course, or an area which extends course ideas (see list of potential topic areas). Confirm the appropriateness of the journ...


 Accounting Theory and Current Issues  “Implications of International Accounting in Australia after IFRS Period” Group can choose a peer-review journal/research paper where the paper explains the implication of International Accounting in Australian context or you can download annual report before (Prior 31 st Dec, 2005) or after IFRS period (from 31 st Dec, 2005) and focus major AASB changes/accounting policy, estimate changes before and after International accounting practices regime. Annual report must be selected from pre-international accounting period 2003-2005 (prior Dec 31, 2005) and post-international accounting period (from Dec 2005 to 2007). Focus on the relevant AASB (A-IFRS) covered in Hi-6025. Example Paper: You will read the following paper for better understanding. Though, different group will choose different paper to explain the international accounting: Research Paper from International Accounting: The Effect of IFRS Adopti...

Advanced Network Security

COIT20262 - Advanced Network Security Instructions Attempt all questions. Submit the following on Moodle: •          Answers: A Microsoft Word document containing answers to the questions. •          Question 1: keypair.pem , pubkey.pem , message.txt , signature.bin , key.txt , ciphertext.bin , secretkey.bin , commands.bash •    Question 2: cert-myuni-YourID.csr, cert-myuni-YourID.pem, cert-ca-TheirID.pem, default-ssl.conf, https.pcap •          Question 3: passwd.txt , shadow.txt , group.txt , and files.txt . This is an individual assignment, and it is expected students answer the questions themselves. Discussion of approaches to solving questions is allowed (and encouraged), however each student should develop and write-up their own answers. See CQUniversity resources on Referencing and Plagiarism . Guidelines for ...