Information & Communication Technology
Assessment item 2—Portfolios
Depends on each activity
This assignment is designed to
encourage the development of professional skills through the completion of
weekly activities relevant to the role of an Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) professional. Please refer to the Unit Profile to see how this
assessment item relates to the Unit Learning Outcomes.
These objectives will be measured by
the ‘closeness of fit’ to meeting the assessment requirements and marking
General Assessment Criteria
Assessments provide the opportunity
for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required
standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to
understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have
demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked
accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevant.
Portfolio items 1 (PF1) and 2 (PF2) must
focus on the topics given in the specifications for each item. Any assessment
items outside the required topic may be awarded 0 (zero) marks. These Portfolio
items must be submitted as per the requirements.
PF2 is focused on addressing
requirements of the Report (Assessment 3). The intent of PF3 is to provide you
with constructive feedback to help you successfully complete the Report.
Therefore PF2 must focus on the case study scenario given in the Report
Assessment Specification (Assessment 3) or you may be awarded 0 (zero) marks
and receive minimal feedback.
If you use Track Changes when
writing PF1 or PF2 you must ensure that the submitted document is the final and
correct version of the document. That is, if your PF1 or PF2 submissions
contains Track Changes or Comments or any other editing marks that impact on
the marking process, your submission may
be awarded 0 (zero) marks. It is your responsibility to submit the final and
correct version of all your written submissions.
Portfolio item 3 (PF3) consists of
three on-line Quizzes identified as PF3A, PF3B and PF3C. You will get one (1)
chance only to complete each of them. They must be completed before the due
date and time. Owing to the nature of quizzes individual extensions are not possible.
Formatting and Structure:
Written submissions for PF1 and PF2
should demonstrate a logical flow of discussion, and be free from
typographical, spelling and grammatical errors. They should be prepared in
MS-Word (or equivalent) using 12 point font (Times New Roman), 1.5 line spacing
and have margins of 2.54 cm. Each assessment should address the specific
requirements outlined in this document.
Students may use separate
title/cover pages for each written submission. Cover/title pages are not
considered as a part of the length.
Academic Integrity
Please note that students may be required to provide proof
that they completed the assessment themselves.
All assignments will be checked for
plagiarism (material copied from other students and/or material copied from
other sources) using TurnItIn. If you are found to have plagiarized material or
if you have used someone else’s words without appropriate referencing, you will
be penalised for plagiarism which could result in zero marks for the whole
assignment. In some circumstances a more severe penalty may be imposed. Useful
information about academic integrity (avoiding plagiarism) can be found at the
following location:
The University’s Academic Misconduct Procedure is
available in the policy portal
Guidelines with respect to
self-referencing are available in Week 5 of the COIT20249 Moodle Unit website.
Submission requirements
PF1 and PF2 are to be uploaded to
Moodle. The submission links can be accessed through the Assessment block on
the Moodle Unit website.
PF3 (three online quizzes with
different deadlines) need to be completed in Moodle. The submission/quiz links
can be accessed through the Assessment block on the Moodle Unit website.
For PF1 and PF2, the uploaded
documents must be fully submitted for grading purposes. That is, the assignment
status should be ‘Submitted for grading’.
When uploading PF1 you can fully
submit it for grading purposes or it can be uploaded as a draft before the due
date and time, unless there is an approved extension. At the due date and time
Moodle will auto-submit any submissions that are in draft status. Students
should not leave drafts on Moodle before the submission deadline if they are
not ready for the assessment to be submitted through the auto-submission
process. Be aware that any late submissions could attract late penalties.
If your PF1 is uploaded after the
original due date and time OR you have been granted an extension by the Unit
Coordinator you must manually submit PA1 by completing the submission process
until the assessment status is ‘Submitted for grading’.
PF2 must be fully submitted for
grading during the workshop in Week 7 when the local lecturer instructs you to
submit (internal students). Distance students must manually submit PF2 at the
end of their allocated completion time. The Unit Coordinator will advise them
of the submission time. Do NOT leave any draft PF2s in Moodle. Only fully
submitted assessments will be regarded as proof of completion of PF2 DURING
CLASS TIME. Unless a PF2 is ‘Submitted for grading’ during class time, it will
NOT be marked nor will feedback be provided.
Assessments left as drafts on Moodle
after the deadlines accrue late penalties (does NOT apply to PF2 which must be
submitted in class). Late submissions attract penalties at 5% per day of the
total available mark for the individual assessment item. See details in the
Assessment Policy and Procedure – Higher Education Coursework in the policy
PF1 files that are auto-submitted
will not be reverted to draft status except in extenuating circumstances, and
may attract late penalties. Students need to request a reversion to draft from
the Unit Coordinator and will need to provide evidence to support their request.
Any assessments downloaded for marking cannot be reverted to draft as the
marking process will have commenced.
FOR GRADING in class time when directed by the local lecturer. Owing to the
nature of this in-class assessment LATE submissions WILL NOT be marked nor can
submissions be reverted to draft. See PF2 specifications for further details.
students must submit PF2 files for marking when directed by the Unit
Further details on completing the
submission process are available via the ‘Moodle Help for Students’ link in the
Support block of your Moodle pages.
1 – PF1 (10 marks)
This assessment will be discussed in Week 3 to be submitted in
Week 4.
Please Note: Moodle uses AEST time.
That is, if you live outside Queensland you will have to adjust the time for
final submission (due date and time).
Description: This assignment aims
to develop awareness among students of becoming a lifelong learner. Students
need to use the ARE process in this assignment. Students also require to write
a reflective analysis on their experience of doing this task.
1. To succeed in an ever changing ICT profession, it is very
important to become a lifelong learner. Do some background research, evaluate
the information and write about your understanding
on being a lifelong learner and why it is important for ICT professional (write
with an example).
2. Analyze the information you gathered in step 1, do some further
research, evaluate the information and write in your own words how you can
become an effective lifelong learner (include your plan for that).
3. Write your reflection on this task. Your
reflection should include the followings:
a. Briefly describe how you did the task (about
the process).
Evaluate and write a brief description of your experience of
doing this task. Was this task easy or hard? Justify your answer briefly (your
justification may include if your past knowledge helped you doing this task or
if it was a total new experience for you).
Analyze critically and explain what have you learnt from this
task? If you think you did not learn anything then give reason why you think
How this experience will help you in the future? If you think
that this experience will not help you in the future, then provide your
reasoning for that as well.
Submission details:
1. Submit the MS-Word file to Moodle.
You should use the Unit and ALC materials from Weeks 1, 2 and 3
as relevant to get the skills needed for this assessment.
The entire Word file must be able to
be processed in Turnitin – that is, it must contain text and NOT images.
Total Word count should be around 500 words +/-10%. Any
coversheet you provide is not included in the word count.
5. Check spelling/grammar/structure of your
6. You do not need to provide any references.
7. Please Note: Moodle uses AEST time.
That is, if you live outside Queensland you will have to adjust the time for
final submission (due date and time).
completed as an in-class assessment in Week 7 for internally enrolled students.
The Unit Coordinator will contact Distance students to organise completion of
the activity in Week 7. Internal students are expected to arrive on time AND be
present in class for the WHOLE workshop. Latecomers may be barred from entry as
late arrivals could disturb the other students who are completing the
assessment. People who disturb other students may also be asked to leave. This
activity will be completed under conditions similar to those applied during
This assessment activity must be completed and submitted by internal
students during the class in Week 7. Any students who cannot attend their
workshop (in-class or online as scheduled by your local lecturer) will receive zero (0) marks. Please note that in
line with the University’s Assessment Policy and Procedure (Higher Education
Coursework), work, other assessments or family commitments will not be an
acceptable reason for being late or missing the class. Distance students also
must plan for completing this assessment in Week 7. You will have to provide
acceptable evidence if there is an unavoidable reason why you cannot complete
in Week 7. All students must be aware that you may not receive timely feedback
for the Report if you do not complete this activity in Week 7.
By now you should start organising
your ideas and arguments for the Report (Assessment item 3). To ensure that you
submit the best Report possible, it is important that you seek constructive
feedback from your local lecturer. PF2 requires you to demonstrate your
understanding of the report case study requirements and the type of information
you need to gather through the research process. This will be marked and
returned to you in time for you to use the feedback to improve your Report.
You must not use any pre-prepared
materials for this assessment as that will breach the requirements for an
in-class assessment. Your local lecturer will provide further details. You will
be provided a template to complete the assessment. Internal students must
upload and submit this assessment during the class when directed the local
lecturer and or supervisor of the test. Distance students must complete the
submission at a time advised by the Unit Coordinator. Any assessments which are
not submitted for grading as directed will not be marked as late submissions
cannot be accepted.
are three parts to PF2:
There will be two random questions
about the report case study for the current term.
2. In Week 6 you will be provided with
details of two references relevant to the technology topic covered in the
report. You are expected to read and
understand the contents of those references before coming to the Week 7 workshop. You need to review and
evaluate those references using the
Triple R framework and the Annotated Bibliographies work covered in Weeks 2 and
3 of the Term. There will be random questions from the materials provided.
3. The final question requires you to
paraphrase a short paragraph from a provided reference. You will be provided
with a particular paragraph and you will have to paraphrase it during the time
you complete PF2 in class. The paragraph should be paraphrased and structured
according to the paraphrasing and paragraph structuring guidelines covered in
ALC sessions.
PF2 responses for section 1 and 2 must
relate to the case study described in the Report Assessment Specification
(Assessment 3) and the provided references. Section 3 must focus on the given
– random selection. Otherwise, these sections will receive a
0 mark and no feedback.
Brief Analysis of the Report Case
Study (Assessment 3 Specification) as set out in part 1 (5 marks).
· Review and evaluate two references
as set out in part 2 of requirements above, using the Triple R framework and/or
Annotated Bibliographies framework (5
Paraphrase a paragraph as given in
Part 3 of Requirements (5 marks).
Portfolio 3 (PF3) consists of three
online Quizzes with Multiple Choice Questions. These quizzes are scheduled for
completion in Weeks 5, 9 and on Monday after Week 12. These quizzes test
various skills and knowledge covered during the term, including weekly topics,
scheduled class activities and also ALC embedded sessions.
It is highly recommended that
students attend all workshops and review all relevant materials before
attempting each quiz.
The total mark for Portfolio 3 is 15
marks while each quiz is worth 5 marks. Check the deadline for each quiz on
PF3A – deadline in Week 5, covers
materials from Week 1 to 4.
PF3B – deadline in Week 9, covers
materials from Week 5 – 8.
PF3C – deadline on Monday after Week
12, covers materials from Week 9 – 12.
Each quiz will consist of 10 random
questions (Multiple Choice) from the Weeks covered above. You will get 45
minutes to complete each quiz.
do not have to complete the quizzes in class but it is your responsibility to
complete on time.
Note you will have one (1) attempt
only to complete this quiz.
You are strongly urged to complete
each quiz well before the due date and time. It is not possible to provide
individual extensions for online quizzes for any reason including technical
problems that are beyond your control.
Save your responses as you keep
working. Avoid losing your work. TaSAC has advised that students should use two
different browsers if you are referring to the Unit materials while completing
the quiz. This will help reducing the risks of losing your work that may occur
if a technology issues occurs during the checking the unit materials.
To get solution visit our website
To get solution visit our website
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