Palindromes and Anagrams

Assignment Overview

In this assignment you will be given a plain file containing a large list of English words from which you must select ones that have particular characteristics

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:


K1. Identify and use the correct syntax of a common programming language.

K2. Recall and use typical programming constructs to design and 

implement simple software solutions.

K4. Explain the importance of programming style concepts 

(documentation, mnemonic names, indentation).


S1. Utilise pseudocode and/or algorithms as a major program 

design technique.

S2. Write and implement a solution algorithm using basic 

programming constructs.

S4. Describe program functionality based on analysis of given

 program code.

Application of knowledge and skills:

A1. Develop self-reliance and judgement in adapting algorithms to

 diverse contexts.

A2. Design and write program solutions to identified problems 

using accepted design constructs.

Assessment Details

Searching a file for palindromes and anagrams. Given a word list file, English.txt, containing some four hundred thousand words, you are required to search this file to find all possible palindromes and anagrams.

Part 1: Palindromes – words that read the same either way e.g. radar, civic, level, anna

These words can be read from left to right or from right to left with

 exactly the same result.

Part 2: Anagrams – words made from the letters of another word e.g. cineasts ↔ acnestis

In this case the word cineast means a person who loves cinema or 

films so cineasts are people who love films; the word acnestis 

means a part of the body that you cannot scratch – for example - 

between your shoulder blades.

One word is made from ALL of the letters of the other word – this

is important in this assignment.These are just examples – we are not so much interested in the definitions of the words 1 only if they are in our list of words.

Marking Criteria/Rubric


Algorithm in pseudo-code

Implementation of algorithm in code

Demonstration that code works correctly

using representative samples

Correct Output and Discussion

Algorithm in pseudo-code

Implementation of algorithm in code

Demonstration that code works correctly

using representative samples

Correct Output and Discussion

Report 2




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