Website Design and Modeling

COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis &


Assignment 2 - Website Design and Modeling


This assessment relates to unit learning outcomes 2, and 3 stated in the e-unit profile.

Assessment 2 is a group assessment. You are required to form a group of maximum four students. In assessment 2, your group is assigned tasks which assess your group unit knowledge gained between weeks 6 and 11 about different facets of systems design. This is a group assignment. Only one member will submit the file. Member who is submitting the assignment will collect all members’ contributions towards this assessment and will merge all files in one document and upload it on Moodle platform.

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The tasks

Your group is required to design and develop a prototype of Hospital Information System as described in the case study. Your group is required to submit a report on Moodle of the tasks undertaken. Report should follow and must include following tasks 1-10. Students are required to submit the designed prototype. To design and develop HIS, your group is required to perform following tasks.

      Task 1: Introduction of the report. (5 marks)

      Task 2: Find out all Critical Use Cases for the HIS you are developing: Use case is a list of actions or

event steps typically defining the interactions between a role (known in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as an actor) and a system to achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or other external system. (5 marks)

      Task 3: Draw Context Level diagram for HIS: This is a diagram that defines the boundary between the system, or part of a system, and its environment, showing the entities that interact with it. This diagram is a high level view of a system. You are required to show all identified external entities. (5 marks)

      Task 4: Draw Level 0 data flow diagram depicting all the business process description provided. (5 marks)

      Task 5: Draw ERD showing all required entities and its relationships. (5 marks)

      Task 6: Draw CRUD diagram. Identify and provide all the required data elements you will need for your data entities for the case study provided. (5 marks)

      Task 7: Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study. (10 marks)

      Task 8: Details of individual group members’ contribution towards the development of the project.

Individual group member need to discuss how this project can be done using DevOps. What benefits DevOps can bring to this system development? (10 marks)

      Task 9: Conclusion and Summary. (5 marks)

      Task 10: Presentation. (45 marks) During week 11, there will be a presentation based on the case study.

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