Effective Business Communications

BUSN20017 Effective Business Communications

Assessment Tasks

 Written Response Quiz

Assessment Type

Online Quiz

Task Description

Weighting: This assessment total weighting is 30% of your overall grade.

Format: The quiz will consist of 30 multiple choice questions.

Content: The quiz will be based upon teaching and learning materials and activities from week one to week three

Other: You may not speak or consult with others while taking the quiz. This is a closed book quiz. You may not access any online (re)sources while taking the quiz.

Referencing Style

American Psychological Association (APA)

2 Group oral presentation

Assessment Type


Task Description

Length: The presentation must be 15-20 minutes in length.

Groups: During the week three tutorial you will be able to sign up to be one member of a group of three. You may only present with those individuals enrolled within your tutorial—no exceptions. Failure to sign up for a group will result in your final mark being delayed.

Format: There are two parts to this assessment. These are:

1. A sentence level speaking outline. Each person must submit an outline that includes the introduction, your individual

part, the conclusion, and your references. You will be able to develop your ‘palm cards’ based upon your speaking outline.

2.   A recorded presentation. All members must individually submit the recorded group presentation. The recording of the presentation must include power points slides and a 'live' image of the speakers. This is an extemporaneous presentation.

References: The assessment must include 15 academic references (assumedly 5 references for each speaker). You must use the APA reference style.

Case Study: Your group has been given the task of presenting information about professional communication on a course for graduate recruits in engineering or management (the group may pick either one). Each member of the group will present information on one professional communication topic. You may choose the professional communication topic.

This assessment consists of both group and individual work. The group will work together to develop the introduction and the conclusion. The individual group member’s part of the presentation should include information about.

1.        What is the topic?

2.        Why the topic important for graduate recruits in engineering/management?

Other: The content of the presentation must not simply be a re-articulation of the information presented in the weekly teaching and learning materials. You may focus on topics covered in this unit, but you must do so in a manner that extends the information beyond what was presented during the term.

Your overall mark for this assessment is calculated based upon both the group work and your individual work. You will receive a group grade for the introduction and conclusion of the presentation. All other parts of the presentation will be individually marked, including the individual sentence speaking level outline. This case study is based upon a case study presented in Girdham, M (2015). Work communication: Mediated and face-to-face practices. London: PALGRAVE.

Assessment Introduction

HD: Excellent introduction; articulates the five parts of the introduction in a superior manner. 2.55-3 Marks

D:     Exceed expectations; clearly articulates the five parts of the introduction; one or two of the components could have been more specifically stated. 2.25-2.52 Marks

C:    Meets expectations; fair introduction; articulates four of the five parts of the introduction; one or two of the articulated four parts could have been more specifically stated. 1.95-2.22 Marks
P:  Average introduction; articulates less than three parts of the introduction. 1.5-1.92 Marks

F:   Very poor or non-existent introduction. 1.47-0 Marks

Communication Topic

HD: Demonstrates a high level of detailed knowledge of the topic by providing a very high level of description and explanation. Utilises current, appropriate, and credible sources. 5.0-4-4.25 Marks

D:               Demonstrates a high level of knowledge of the topic by providing a high level of description and explanation. Utilises mostly current, appropriate and credible sources. 3.75-4.20 Marks

C:               Demonstrates a good level of knowledge of the topic by providing some level of description. The explanation could have been more specifically stated. Utilises some current, appropriate and credible sources. 3.25-3.70 Marks

P:                Demonstrates an average knowledge of the topics by providing an average level of description and explanation. Utilises few current, appropriate, and credible sources. 2.5-3.2 Marks

F:                Demonstrates little, if any, knowledge of the topic demonstrating a limited, if any description and explanation. Utilises little, if any, current, appropriate and credible sources. 0-2.45 Marks


HD: Excellent conclusion; articulates all three parts of the conclusion in a sophisticated manner. 2.55-3 Marks

D:       Exceeds expectations; clearly articulates the three parts of the conclusion; one of the components could have been more specifically stated. 2.25-2.52 Marks

C: Meets expectations; fair articular of the conclusion; two of the articulated three parts could have been more specifically stated. 1.95-2.22 Marks

P:     Average conclusion; articulates one of the three part. 1.5-1.92 Marks

F:      No conclusion provided. 0 Marks


HD: The references conform to the APA format both in-text and in the reference list. 2.55-3 Marks

D:         The references, for the most part, conform to the APA format both in-text and in the reference list. Very minor errors. 2.25-2.52 Marks

C:         The references, for the most part, conform to the APA format both in-text and in the reference list. There are consistent minor errors. 1.95-2.22 Marks
P:            Less than the required number of references are used. 1.5-1.92 Marks

F:            No references are used. 0 Marks

Oral Presentation

The presenter has a clear voice, is expressive throughout the presentation. Eye contact is maintained throughout the duration of the presentation. 2.55-3 Marks

The presenter has a clear voice, is expressive at times during the presentation. Eye contact is maintained throughout most of the presentation. 2.25-2.52 Marks

The presenter has a clear voice but is not expressive and/or pronounces some words incorrectly. Eye contact is not always maintained throughout the presentation. 1.95-2.22 Marks

The presenter's voice is: not clear at times; not expressive and/or the student pronounces the terms incorrectly. Eye contact is minimally maintained throughout the presentation,
1.5-1.92 Marks

The presenter mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, is not expressive and cannot be heard by a majority of audience members. The speaker is obviously reading from notes or directly from the slides. 1.47-0 Marks

Assessment Type

Written Assessment

Task Description

Assessment type: Individually written essay

Weighting: This assessment accounts for 45% of your final grade.

Length: The essay must be between 1500-2000 words in length.

Cover sheet: The assessment must include a cover page that contains your name, student number, resident campus, assessment title, and lecturer and/or tutor.

Format: The essay format should be 1.5 spacing and 12-point font; Times New Roman. As this assessment is an essay you must write in fully formed paragraphs. You should not use headings or bullet points.

References: The assessment must include 10 academic references. You must use the APA reference style. The articles must be written within the last 10 years. Textbooks will not be considered as an academic reference.

Case study: You are a country manager for an international agricultural products supplier. The main office is in Australia. You have recently hired 10 new employees from overseas (you may choose the home country of the new employees). They will be arriving in Australia within the next six weeks, and in preparation for their arrival you will write a document about communicating competently and incompetently within the Australian workplace. This document has two parts:

1.An overview of academic literature relating to communication practices/styles/recent research about business communication in Australia.

2.Recommendations for these new employees about competent and incompetent business communication practices (you may focus upon verbal, nonverbal, written, and CMC). There will be four recommendations—two competency behaviours and two incompetency behaviours. That is to say, how should the new employees communicate and how they should not communicate within the Australia workplace. You will need to explain why each of the communicative behaviours are competent or incompetent. The recommendations should be supported by existing academic articles.

3.            Referencing Style

American Psychological Association (APA)


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