Contemporary Issues in Public Health

Faculty of Social Sciences

School of Health and Society

Subject Outline

HAS 911

Contemporary Issues in Public Health II

This subject examines contemporary issues in Public Health, particularly the challenges to health presented by globalisation, climate change, social inequality and other aspects of contemporary society. Key concepts in public health such as the measurement of health, the burden of disease, current approaches to public health practice and core principles of equity, sustainability and social justice within public health practice, will be examined and evaluated within the context of the challenges of enhancing the health of populations in contemporary society.

Subject Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Subject Learning Outcomes
1.     Critically examine current public health issues and challenges (infectious disease, globalisation; environmental, social justice)
2.     Describe and evaluate common measures of indicators for population health
3.     Effectively search relevant public health literature and review and appraise information from a variety of sources to investigate a public health issue
4.     Structure arguments and communicate complex public health knowledge in a variety of formats
5.     Understand core principles of just, ethical/legal public health practice and apply to real-life public health scenarios
6.     Investigate, evaluate and justify current approaches in public health

Student Workload

Students should note that UOW policy equates 1 credit point with 2 hours of study per week, including lectures and tutorials/workshops/practicals, self-directed study and work on assessment tasks. For example, in a 6 credit point subject, a total of 12 hours of study per week is expected.

Extraordinary Changes to the Subject Outline
In extraordinary circumstances the provisions stipulated in this Subject Outline may require amendment after the Subject Outline has been distributed. All students enrolled in the subject must be notified and have the opportunity to provide feedback in relation to the proposed amendment, prior to the amendment being finalised.

Learning Analytics
“Where Learning Analytics data (such as student engagement with Moodle, access to recorded lectures, University Library usage, task marks, and use of SOLS) is available to the Subject Coordinator, this may beused to assist in analysing student engagement, and to identify and recommend support to students who may be at risk of failure. If you have questions about the kinds of data the University uses, how we collect it, and how we protect your privacy in the use of this data, please refer to”.

Subject Outline Version Control
Version history and subject improvements
7th edition
Catherine MacPhail, School of Health and Society, UOW
Revision of assessment tasks
6th edition
Katharina Kariippanon, School of Health and Society, UOW
5th edition
Catherine MacPhail, School of Health and Society, UOW
4th edition
Catherine MacPhail, School of Health and Society, UOW
3rd edition
Heike SchĂĽtze, School of Health and Society, UOW
2nd edition
Bushra Kahn & Heike SchĂĽtze, School of Health and Society, UOW
1st edition
Lesley Hare, School of Health and Society, UOW

Major Text


The majority of your required readings will come from this textbook – there is an eBook available through the library.

Recommended Readings

This is not an exhaustive list. Students are encouraged to use the UOW Library catalogue and databases to locate additional resources including the e-readings list:


This is not an exhaustive list. Students are encouraged to use the UOW Library catalogue and databases to locate additional resources.

Section B: Assessment

Minimum Performance Requirements

All assessment tasks must be submitted. To achieve a passing grade in the subject students must achieve a total mark of 50% or over and obtain a minimum of 45% in each task weighted 40% or higher. Students who do not meet the minimum performance requirements (i.e. complete all assessment tasks) will be given a TF (Technical Fail) grade on their Academic Transcript.
Where Professional Experience is attached to a subject students must pass/satisfactorily complete both the coursework and the professional experience to pass this subject. Students will be required to repeat both the coursework and the professional experience if they fail the subject.
See also the Code of Practice – Student Professional Experience at

Requirements Related to Student Contributions

Group assignments are typically assessed as a group product, usually with the same mark allocated to each group member. However, the subject co-ordinator reserves the right to allocate individual marks for students for an assessment task when necessary (for example, in cases where contributions of group members have been unequal).


The Harvard referencing system is used in the School of Geography & Sustainable Communities and the School of Health & Society. The APA referencing system is used in the School of Education and the School of Psychology. These are also known as author-date systems due to the order of the information presented. Failure to document adequately and fully is to ignore scholarly rules – and run the risk of plagiarism. Please consult the UOW library website for further information:

Academic Integrity

The University’s policy on acknowledgement practice and plagiarism provides detailed information about how to acknowledge the work of others:
The University’s Academic Integrity Policy, Faculty Handbooks and subject guides clearly set out the University’s expectation that students submit only their own original work for assessment and avoid plagiarising the work of others or cheating. Re-using any of your own work (either in part or in full), which you have submitted previously for assessment, is not permitted without appropriate acknowledgement or without the explicit permission of the Subject Coordinator. Plagiarism can be detected and has led to students being expelled from the University.
The use by students of any website that provides access to essays or other assessment items (sometimes marketed as ‘resources’), is extremely unwise. Students who provide an assessment item (or provide access to an assessment item) to others, either directly or indirectly (for example by uploading an assessment item to a website) are considered by the University to be intentionally or recklessly helping other students to cheat. Uploading an assessment task, subject outline or other course materials without express permission of the university is considered academic misconduct and students place themselves at risk of being expelled from the University.

Assessment 1a

Reflective journal
Due Date
Week 3: Friday 10 August @ 5.00pm
Based on your reading of Chapter 1 of Fleming and Parker (2015), reflect on the key principles of public health:
-       How are they different to perspectives you have studied in your undergraduate degree?
-       What particular skills do you think that you already have and what will you specifically need to develop to work in Public Health?

15% of total mark
Format / Length / Duration
500 word submission. No particular format is required but assessment must be clearly written and well presented in terms of grammar and punctuation. You are expected to cite the Fleming and Parker chapter at a minimum.
Assessment Criteria
6 marks based on evidence of understanding public health perspectives;
5 marks for integrating learning into assessment of own prior experience;
4 marks for style and referencing.
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed
1.     Critically examine current public health issues and challenges (infectious disease, globalisation, environmental, social justice).
2.     Effectively search relevant public health literature and review and appraise information from a variety of sources to investigate a public health issue.
3.     Structure arguments and communicate complex public health knowledge in a variety of formats.
4.     Understand core principles of just, ethical/legal public health practice and apply to real-life public health scenarios.
5.     Investigate, evaluate and justify current approaches in public health.

Method of Submission
Submit as a single document through Turnitin on the subject Moodle site.

This assessment task has been set up to be checked by Turnitin, a tool for checking if it has unreferenced content. You can submit your assessment task to Turnitin prior to the due date and Turnitin will give you an originality report. You can then make any changes that may be required and re-submit you final version by the due date.
Once the due date has passed, you are not able to resubmit.

Assessment 1b

Annotated Bibliography
Due Date
Week 7: Friday 7 September @ 5.00pm
Develop a specific research question and then document a search strategy focused on Australian public health responses to one of the National Health Priority Areas. Choose from either dementia OR accidental injury OR obesity.

Using the results of your search, produce an annotated bibliography that includes four different types of high-quality references (e.g. journal article, book, book chapter, report, online resource from reliable and credible source etc.)
-         Use the format of the UOW library Search Strategy Worksheet to document the search strategy that you used
-         The annotation for each source should be approximately 150 words (4-6 sentences). The annotation should include: citation in UOW-Harvard reference style; description of main focus of the paper; discussion of methods used (if appropriate); comment on usefulness for your understanding of the topic; limitations of the paper.
15% of total mark         
Format / Length / Duration
The annotation for each source should be approximately 150 words (4-6 sentences). The annotation should include:
-         citation in UOW-Harvard reference style;
-         description of main focus of the paper;
-         discussion of methods used (if appropriate);
-         comment on usefulness of the source for answering your research question;
-         limitations of the papers.
Assessment Criteria
3 marks for documenting appropriate search strategy (Search Strategy Worksheet).

3 marks for correct UOW-Harvard reference style in citations

9 marks for summary (contains information on aims and methods; limitations; reflection)
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed
1.     Critically examine current public health issues and challenges (infectious disease, globalisation, environmental, social justice).
2.     Effectively search relevant public health literature and review and appraise information from a variety of sources to investigate a public health issue.
3.     Structure arguments and communicate complex public health knowledge in a variety of formats.
4.     Understand core principles of just, ethical/legal public health practice and apply to real-life public health scenarios.
5.     Investigate, evaluate and justify current approaches in public health.

Method of Submission
Submit as a single document through Turnitin on the subject Moodle site.

This assessment task has been set up to be checked by Turnitin, a tool for checking if it has unreferenced content. You can submit your assessment task to Turnitin prior to the due date and Turnitin will give you an originality report. You can then make any changes that may be required and re-submit you final version by the due date.
Once the due date has passed, you are not able to resubmit.

Assessment 2

Multiple Choice Quiz
Due Date
Week 5: Friday 24 August @ 5.00pm
20 multiple choice questions completed through Moodle
10% of total mark
Format / Length / Duration
20 multiple choice questions based on the lecture and tutorial material covered in weeks 1-4.
Assessment Criteria
Number of correct responses.

The quiz will open on Tuesday21 August and close on Friday24 August. Each student may have only one attempt at the quiz. The quiz must be completed in 40 minutes once the attempt has commenced.

This is an individual assessment task.
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed
2. Describe and evaluate common measures or indicators for population health.
5. Understand core principles of just, ethical/legal public health practice and apply to real-life public health scenarios.
Method of Submission
Submission through Moodle quiz located in the subject Moodle site.

Assessment 3

Due Date
Week 9: Friday 21 September @5.00pm
Using the literature that you sourced for Assessment 1b as a starting point, discuss the National Health Priority Area that you selected in terms of current prevalence in Australia, current public health approaches and ongoing concerns

20% of total mark
Format / Length / Duration
1500 word essay (excluding referencing)

Use an essay format with a 12-point font, and double line spacing, and show your actual word count on the front page of your assignment. A minimum of 10 references published in 2007 or later is required for this essay.
Assessment Criteria

Introduction–format as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 1 (3 marks)

Body–format as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 2(2 marks)

Discussion of prevalence in Australia and the key population groups affected. Clearly discusses why some populations may be more at risk of this particular condition. Identification of public health (not just individual-focused) approaches to problem and identified public health concerns relevant to the condition(8 marks).                                      

Conclusion –format as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 3(3 marks)

Referencing –format as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 4  (4 marks)

You must complete and attachthe Essay Self-assessment Checklist to your assignment - one mark will be deducted if not included or is obviously not matched to the content of your essay
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed
1.  Critically examine current public health issues and challenges (infectious disease, globalisation, environmental, social justice).
2.  Describe and evaluate common measures of indicators for population health.
3.  Effectively search relevant public health literature and review and appraise information from a variety of sources to investigate a public health issue.
4.  Structure arguments and communicate complex public health knowledge in a variety of formats.
5.  Understand core principles of just, ethical/legal public health practice and apply to real-life public health scenarios.
6.  Investigate, evaluate and justify current approaches in public health.

Method of Submission
Submit as a single document through Turnitin on the subject Moodle site.

This assessment task has been set up to be checked by Turnitin, a tool for checking if it has unreferenced content. You can submit your assessment task to Turnitin prior to the due date and Turnitin will give you an originality report. You can then make any changes that may be required and re-submit you final version by the due date.
Once the due date has passed, you are not able to resubmit.

Assessment 4

Select one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)and discuss current progress to achieving this goalin a country of your choice. Your report should focus on prevalence by key indicators for your goal, significant recent achievements and challenges to meeting the SDG.

Summarise the findings in your report by creating your own originalinformationleaflet/brochure/infographicthatcouldbeunderstoodbyalayperson. Include this as anAppendix to your report.
40% of total mark
Format / Length / Duration
2000 words (excluding executive summary, referencing and appendices)

Submission must useareportformatincludinganexecutivesummary (maximum200wordsonaseparatepage);a12-pointfont,anddoublelinespacing;andshowyouractualwordcountonthe front page of the assignment.

Include a completed report checklist documenting how you have followed report writing guidelines.

Youareexpectedtoreadwidelyinthescholarlyliterature(i.e.peer-reviewedjournals)forthisassignment.Fifteento20referenceswouldbeconsideredadequateforthistopic. Relevant online reports are acceptable but should not be the only sources used (no more than 25% of references).

This is an individual assessment task.
Assessment Criteria

Executive summary - as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 1 (4 marks)

Introduction - as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 2 (3 marks)

Body - as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 3 (8 marks), including             
·        Discussion of a relevant SDs
·        Supported by up-to-date data on key indicators
·        National and international literature, as appropriate, is used to discuss achievement work towards SDGs
·        Relevant, and comprehensive arguments are clearly stated
·        Strengths of country response to issue and potential barriers to success are discussed                                                                     

Conclusion - as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 4 (4 marks)

Referencing - as per Self-assessment Checklist Item 5 (4 marks)

Information leaflet/brochure/infographic content -Clearly communicates up-to-date information about your chosen issue, including effective and ethical practice, expressed in easy to understand language and is visually engaging.(10 marks)

You must complete and attach (1) the Report Self-assessment Checklist to your assignment - one mark will be deducted if not included or is obviously not matched to the content of your report

Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed
1.  Critically examine current public health issues and challenges (infectious disease, globalisation, environmental, social justice).
3.  Effectively search relevant public health literature and review and appraise information from a variety of sources to investigate a public health issue.
4.  Structure arguments and communicate complex public health knowledge in a variety of formats.
5.  Understand core principles of just, ethical/legal public health practice and apply to real-life public health scenarios.
6.  Investigate, evaluate and justify current approaches in public health.

Method of Submission
Submit online through Turnitin on the subject Moodle site.

This assessment task has been set up to be checked by Turnitin, a tool for checking if it has unreferenced content. You can submit your assessment task to Turnitin before the due date and Turnitin will give you an originality report. You can then check your paraphrasing and use of direct quotes, make any changes that may be required and re-submit you final version by the due date.
Once the due date has passed, you are not able to resubmit again.
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