Information Systems Analysis and Design

COIT20248 Information Systems 

Analysis and Design Assignment 1 -

 About Systems Development


1500 words (+/- 10%)

The tasks

For the purpose of this assignment, you are assumed to be one of the software consultants appointed to shoulder the system analysis responsibilities in, the project outlined in the case study.

You will plan and manage the project as well as investigate and document its system requirements. For your Assignment 1 submission, you will produce a report that discusses this project based on your understanding of it and the related investigation results through the tasks below.

Task 1: (10 marks)

Approaches to Systems Development

  How would “Go Help Me” go about developing its information systems? (5 Marks)

     Justify your choice of your selected approach to systems development. (5 Marks)

Task 2: (15 Marks)

Systems Requirements

   What are the primary functional requirements for the system in the case study? (10 Marks)

    What are the non-functional requirements for the system in the case study? (5 Marks)

Task 3: (15 Marks)

Project Cost Benefit Analysis

         Discuss your Project Cost Benefit Analysis. (7.5 Marks)

     Provide an excel spread sheet with details in a Project Cost Benefit Analysis. (7.5 Marks)

Task 4: (20 Marks)

Project Schedule

        Show a work breakdown structure and a project schedule as a Gantt Chart. Explain both of them and discuss how they relate to each other. (10 Marks)

  Given the system goals, requirements, and scope as they are currently understood, is the project schedule reasonable? Why or why not? (10 Marks)

Task 5: (25 Marks)

System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques

         Who are the stakeholders involved? (5 Marks)

         Explain your choice of the 3 most useful investigation techniques. (10 Marks)

         Justify the usefulness of these 3 investigation techniques. (10 Marks)

The Report (Important: The report makes up 100 marks - scaled to 30%)

You will produce a report that aims to explain your systems analysis results as per the layout and submission guidelines mentioned below.

Report Layout and Submission Guidelines

In the template file “COIT 20248 Assessment1TemplateFile” (in MS Word) provided to you, the report for ‘Systems Development’ has been organized using the following headings and guidelines.

Students are advised to observe the word count in each section when developing the report.

 Title Cover Page with clear details of course title/name, student number/name, lecturer & tutor (Provided in template file)

    Introduction (Provided in template file) *about 100 words o Introduction must clearly define the aims of the report. o Introduction must identify the project objectives.

       The Approach to Systems Development - Task 1 *about 250 words

o How would “Go Help Me” go about developing its information systems?

o    Justification for your chosen approach to system development

           Systems Requirements - Task 2. *about 250 words

o  List the primary functional requirements for the system in the case study.

o    List the non-functional requirements for the system in the case study.

        Project Cost /Benefit Analysis – Task 3 *about 200 words

        Project Schedule - Task 4 *about 200 words

o    Show work breakdown structure in the project as well as the project schedule Gantt Chart? What are they and how do they relate to each other?

o Given the system goals, requirements, and scope as they are currently understood, is the project schedule reasonable? Why or why not?

   System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques - Task 5. *about 250 words

o    List the stakeholders involved.

o    Explain your choice of the 3 most useful investigation techniques.

o    Justify the usefulness of these 3 investigation techniques.

        Reflections and Conclusions *about 100 words

o Present your reflections about this project (e.g. achievement and constraints).
o Provide a brief summary of your findings

     References (must complete by showing 1 or more references with their related in-text citations)

Assessment criteria - Assignment 1 marking guide

Marks for Assignment 1 will be allocated as follows:


Introduction (5 marks)

Clearly defines the aims of the report


Identifies the project objectives.

Approach to Systems Development - Task 1 (10 Marks)

How would Brisbane Multi Faith Temple go about developing its

information systems?

Justify your choice of approach to systems development.

Systems Requirements - Task 2 (15 Marks)

What are the primary functional requirements for the system in the

case study?

  What are the non-functional requirements for the system in the case study?

Project Cost Benefit Analysis - Task 3 (15 Marks)

Discuss your Project Cost Benefit Analysis

  Provide an excel spread sheet with details in a Project Cost Benefit



Project Schedule - Task 4 (20 Marks)

Provide the project work breakdown structure & schedule - Gantt Chart

  Explain whether, given the system goals, requirements, and scope as they

are currently understood, is the project schedule reasonable? Why or why


System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques – Task 5 (25


  Who are the stakeholders involved?

Explain your choice of the 3 most useful investigation techniques.

  Justify the usefulness of these 3 investigation techniques.


Reflections and Conclusions  (5 marks)

Present your reflections about this project (e.g. achievement

and constraints).


Briefly summarize your findings.



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