
COIT20249 Assessment Details

Assessment item 1—Presentation

 Due date:            Internal students During class time Weeks 5 9                                           Distance students - Discuss with Unit Coordinator

Weighting:         20%

Length:               Maximum of 15 minutes per presentation. Broken up into 10 minutes presenting and 5 minutes to answer questions/facilitate discussion.


Internal students

Internal students will be required to present a topic to their workshop groups. Presentations will be marked in class but the results will not be released until after they are moderated by the Unit Coordinator. Students will be required to work in small groups of two to four members. Students should consider two to three possible topics and write a short synopsis between 50 – 100 words that briefly outline what you will present in 10 minutes about your preferred topic. Each topic must be accompanied by a short synopsis. The local lecturer will consider and approve the topic. All groups and their selected topics must be approved by the local lecturer by the end of week 3. It is the responsibility of each student to attend their workshop (or email to your lecturer if you are a Distance student) to finalise the presentation topics. You will not be allowed to present later in the Term if you do not attend in Week 3 to finalise your topics.

Important: Presentations cannot be on or about the same topic as the Assessment 3 (Report topic) or other assessments for the current term. This is to avoid giving an unfair advantage to some students.

Please note that students who are repeating the unit must NOT use previous presentations or any topics closely resembling previous presentations. There WILL be a penalty if presenters will breach these guidelines when they present.

Please note that all group members will be given the same mark unless there is a significant issue that is brought to the attention of the Unit Coordinator and Local Lecturer. Each presentation is to be a maximum of 10 minutes for the presentation. Up to five minutes will be allocated after the presentation for a question and answer session with the audience. This time frame will be strictly enforced due to time constraints. 

Your lecturer may terminate your presentation if your delivery exceeds 15 minutes.

Marks will be allocated accordingly in that situation. Please plan your presentation carefully to avoid losing marks in the delivery criterion for exceeding the time limit.

A team charter template available from the Assessment 1 page is useful for groups to plan their contributions and minimise group conflict. Group members may consider outlining their contributions and submitting an adapted version of this team charter as a part of their presentation materials. This is strongly recommended for groups that comprise of members who have not worked together previously.

The coversheet/title page for the group presentations must outline the names and student IDs of all group members. All group members must submit the same presentation file(s) on Moodle. If all group members do not submit the same presentation file(s), marks will not be allocated to any member of the group.

Please note that the presentations must proceed on the allocated day. Groups must be ready to present on the allocated day even if one of their members is absent. This will be taken into account when marking. If a student does not present on the allotted day they will receive 0/20 unless they have an approved extension (supported by evidence, for example, a doctor’s certificate) or there is some other equally compelling reason for your absence. If an extension is approved, the student with an extension may have to research and present a different topic at a later date that must be mutually agreed with the local lecturer/unit coordinator.

Distance students

Distance students usually present as individuals due to the difficulties when working in a group across large distances. However, any distance students who wants to work together with other Distance students should contact the Unit Coordinator by the end of week 3 with their topic choices. The Unit Coordinator will liaise with each student/distance group to determine a suitable presentation method and due date. For example, presentations could be conducted live via Skype or Viber or Zoom, or record a video of your presentation and upload into Moodle or a private channel on YouTube (the link would need to be uploaded into Moodle). Students will have to do their presentation at a mutually suitable time between weeks 5 and 9 of term.

Distance students who upload a recording of their video presentation (as opposed to doing it live via a videoconferencing platform) should demonstrate the facilitation of discussion by making sure that the end of their presentation includes at least two questions that could be posed by the audience. Answers should be provided for these questions.

All students

The main aim of these oral presentations is to demonstrate your presentation skills. A secondary aim is to help your fellow students by presenting a topic relevant to being a future ICT professional. Many students enrolled in this Unit are in their first year of study hence, they have not yet worked out where to find information or how to do certain tasks as a student at CQUni. However, any such topics have to be really useful for students – not the type of topics that may be known to those students. All students must select a topic that will maintain interest of their audience, and contribute to obtaining good grades in the assessment. Provide the overall topic and a brief synopsis covering the scope of the presentation so your lecturer can assess the suitability in an expedient manner.

All students must present the topic approved by the lecturer. Any significant changes to the topic without permission from the lecturer may result in 0 marks to the presentation.

Consider topics that are interesting to your audience and not what you think as useful.

Note that the presentation need not be technology topics only. They can be on any topic as long as your local lecturer approves them as a suitable topic to be presented to your peers. If you have a passionate interest in a topic that you think would interest your colleagues feel free to discuss with your lecturer about presenting on that topic. For example, one of the groups presented on ‘cash in hand for working’ where the presentation focused on why students should work within legal requirements – this related to an actual experience of an international student. Other students have successfully presented on various topics from new technologies such as flying cars and drones to telepathy and business/social topics.

Some other recent presentations focused on Thanksgiving Day, Egyptian Pyramids, Valentine’s Day, Vertical Farming, Astronomy, and Human Psychology. One of the very useful presentations on diversity is available from the Week 10 study materials. Remember that some of the marking criteria relate to your audience, so tailor your presentation accordingly.

It is important to engage with the audience during your presentation. Presentations are a form of storytelling so the topic selection is very important – will your audience be interested in the story you will tell them? Ensure that you tell an interesting story about your topic and/or use innovative methods to convey your key messages.

Select a topic where you could be creative and satisfy the marking criteria to a high level. However, while you can get ideas from the Internet or other sources, you must not use presentations available on the Internet in a manner that breaches the university’s academic misconduct procedures or referencing guidelines. It has been noted that some groups have overly relied on the Internet, resulting in plagiarism.

Please note that copying of materials from other websites or previous presentations without proper acknowledgement will result in academic misconduct charges. This will apply to all members of the group if you are in a group, not just to those students who copied from other sources.

All materials selected must be correctly referenced, and presentation slides must be developed by the students themselves and comply with referencing and paraphrasing requirements. To ensure that the presentation file(s) are free of any plagiarism you may choose to upload your assessment early and check the Turnitin Similarity Report.

Innovative presentations are welcome though students should discuss their ideas with the local lecturer at least one week before the presentation to find about the facilities available including the compatibility of technology.


There is no recommended number of slides however you are required to comply with the 10 minute timeframe. A suggested structure for the slides in the presentation is outlined below:

·    Title (should include title of presentation and names and student IDs of all group members)

·    Presentation Purpose

·    Presentation outline

·    Introduction of the topic

·    Slides outlining the key points of your presentation with supporting evidence cited as required.

·    Conclusion

·    References

·    Questions and answers

During the presentation, each group member should speak for approximately the same amount of time, that is, if there are four presenters you should each speak for about 2 – 2.5 minutes. The presentation can reflect the diversity of viewpoints of the presenters. At the start of the presentation, one team member must introduce the presentation and the rest of the team too. You are free to decide how you want to sequence the speaking responsibilities. However, it is strongly suggested that the team completes a SWOT analysis of the team members’ presentation skills (first by the individuals and then as a group) so you can identify the best formation for the delivery. Towards the end of the presentation, it is vital that the last presenter summarises the presentation at its conclusion and invites the audience to ask questions. This will be followed by the Question and answer session.

General Assessment Criteria

Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevant.

You must ensure that the submitted file(s) are the final and correct version of your presentation. It is the responsibility of the students to submit the correct final versions of their assessment items. Students should provide a copy of their presentation files to their lecturer before their presentation. You should provide a print out or an electronic copy of the file before the beginning of the presentation. Distance students will get the requirements from the Unit Coordinator depending on the format of the presentation.

Marking criteria

The marking scheme and notes about the criteria are provided on the following pages.

All students must familiarise yourselves with the marking criteria to ensure you have addressed the criteria when preparing and presenting your presentation. The presentation will be assessed according to the degree to which you demonstrate your capability in: Speaker appearance and other first impressions; Presentation structure; Referencing and paraphrasing; Coping with questions/facilitating the discussion;

Delivery; Visual aids, activities and handouts; and Target and audience including your role as an audience member in other presentations. See marking scheme at the end of this document for more information.

It is expected that some material for the presentation be supported by appropriate sources (including images and graphics). Thus, any information gathered through research must be referenced using the CQU APA referencing style. See the American Psychological Association (APA) abridged guide available from:

Distance students should demonstrate facilitation of discussion/questions by making sure at the end of their presentation that there are at least two questions that are designed to facilitate discussion. Your submission should also include a summary of your responses to those questions.


1.   Students must create the presentation materials themselves. You may be asked to prove that you have written the presentation yourself or in a team. You should keep copies of early drafts of your presentation.

2.    Students must not present topics, PowerPoint files or other materials they used in previous presentations in this unit or for other Units. This is also academic misconduct (see definitions for self-plagiarism in the CQU Academic Misconduct Procedures). If you are re-using any part from a previous assessment, please inform your lecturer and comply with referencing requirements. It is best not to re-use previous materials where possible.

3. ALL students in each group MUST upload a copy of their presentation and/or any handouts to Moodle BEFORE their presentation. Submission by all students in the group (if a group submission) must be completed by 8am on the day of the presentation or as advised by the local lecturer. This rule applies to any distance students who are planning a live online presentation.

4.    Failure to submit the PPT before the beginning of the workshop may result in 0 marks for Sections 2 and 3, and also Section 6 in the marking criteria (see presentation marking scheme). Submitted files cannot be changed after the presentation.

5.    Though presentations will be marked during the class the results will NOT be released to the students until they have been moderated by the Unit Coordinator.

6.    If it comes to the attention of the Unit Coordinator that a student has NOT worked with their group they will be removed from the group and awarded 0/20 for their presentation.

ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism (includes material copied from other students and/or material copied from other sources and self-plagiarism) using TurnItIn. If your submission is found to have plagiarised material or if you have used someone else’s words without appropriate referencing, you and the entire group (in group presentations) will be penalised for plagiarism which could result in zero marks for the whole assignment. In some circumstances a more severe penalty such as an academic misconduct charge may result.

The University’s Academic Misconduct Procedure is available in the policy portal

Useful information about academic integrity (avoiding plagiarism) can be found in the ALC resources on the Moodle Unit website and at:

Self-referencing guidelines are available on the COIT20249 Moodle Unit website.

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