Management Law

LAWS 20061 Management Law

In-Class 10% Presentation Assessment

Assessment Due Date: To be completed variously over the period Week 3 to Week 9 inclusive.

Task Description

Students will be assigned to groups of 2-3 by their campus based teacher to complete this assessment. Distance students will complete this assessment item with the Unit Coordinator. The exercise will assess students' understanding and application of concepts covered in this unit on a topic chosen by the students in consultation with either their campus based teacher or for distance learning students the unit co-ordinator.

Select one or two of the law in action items from the list below. They are on Moodle in the relevant weeks. Explain in a five minute presentation how the item or items are relevant to management law and what lessons do you learn from them about the Australian legal system.

Online research can assist further before the presentation.

Week 1 Moodle

Democracy in Action
Valve case
Pre-trial tactics

Week 2 Moodle

Unfair Business Practices
Modern slavery laws and Amazon

Week 3 Moodle
Carlill case

Week 4 Moodle
Pirt and Waltons cases

Week 5 Moodle
Billionaire case
Krakowski, Universe Tankships, Amadio, Woolworths v Konrad, Cutis and Olley cases Mitolo

Week 6 Moodle
Codelfa and Entores cases

Week 7 Moodle


Week 8 Moodle

Donoghue, Strong and Dobler cases

Assessment Criteria

Students will be assessed for this assessment according to the following criteria:

o Analysis of the key issues in the topic selected

o Expression of confident body language

o Use of minimal reliance on notes

o Presentation of a well rehearsed and prepared assessment item o Speak with clarity, good volume and voice modulation o Use of effective pacing and pauses

o Completion of the task within the set time

o Use of communication and presentation skills, written, oral and/or multimedia as appropriate

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