Professional Project

BUSN20019 Professional Project- Term 1 2019

Supplementary Assessment (SA)

This is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work to be submitted as a supplementary assessment for BUSN20019 in T1 2019. You are required to RE-WORK your final report, taking into account all instructions from the unit profile, Moodle, and earlier individual feedback and news forum cohort feedback/advices, in order to better address the requirements of the assessment task. You are allowed to select a completely new topic (not linked to your previous topic) but within the specified scope and criteria of this unit. Your data links should be completely new. Other instructions are the same as those provided for assessment 2 in the unit profile – for your convenience, some of those are copied below.

This SA will determine whether you will pass the unit – a poor grade in the SA will mean a fail grade for the entire unit. Please note that detailed feedback will not be provided. If you have questions about this task or need clarification, please email me. There will be no face- to-face meetings or in-depth virtual/email consultation to prepare you for this SA task but you may obviously seek clarification from me via email.

Submission Deadline: Friday 2nd August 2019, 11.45pm AEST. Please note that late submissions are NOT an option – any assignments submitted after this deadline will attract an automatic mark of zero (0) and extensions will only be granted if solid evidence for appropriate reasons is provided prior to the deadline.

Submission:         WORD document via email TO THE UC. Please make sure you do not copy from any sources directly or indirectly or recycle (even with adequate paraphrasing) any previous submission. The UC will run your submission through Turnitin and any similarity issues will be duly checked.

Return to students:The overall result will be available in the unit Moodle gradebook by August 9, 2019.

You are not expected to re-write every single word of your final report; therefore, Turnitin may show some similarity with your own earlier submission of the final report. This is not of concern, unless you choose to make such minimal changes that your SA submission will also not be passable. Please note that I will check your assessment 2 submissions when marking these SA reports in order to establish whether you have in fact been able to re-work your report in a manner to improve its quality with regards to this unit’s specific requirements.

Task Description

This is an individual, written assessment, to be completed in report format. You are required to write around 3,000 words (+/- 10%), excluding title page, preliminaries, tables, figures, reference list and appendices. The report requires in-text referencing and a full reference list in APA style, with evidence that you have critically read and integrated a minimum of 20 suitable scholarly references. Without 20 scholarly references, you will not get a pass in the relevant marking criteria.

The purpose of the original assessment 2 was to present the final report of the Professional Project you proposed in Assignment 1. That report should have built upon both components of your Assessment 1 and it should be developed with the help of the tutor/co-ordinator feedback. In this case (SA), you are allowed to select a completely new topic as well if you like but based on the same instructions and criteria of marking as assessment 2. Some reminders of the assessment 2 task (in this case SA task) are as follows but you will need to refresh your memory by navigating and studying other resources in the T1 2019 Unit moodle site:

In order to successfully complete Assessment 2 (SA), you are required to carry out the investigation and produce a professional research report that shows that you have followed through from finding a research question to answering that question and developing recommendations that arise from your

findings. The report will follow the typical structure of a research report and will need to include the following:
         Project title

       Introduction (which must include some justification of your topic and your project's aim and research question(s))
         Critical literature review
       A detailed presentation of how you carried out your project (commensurate with a 'Methods' chapter)
         Findings from your secondary data analysis
         Discussion of findings in light of your previously reviewed literature

         Conclusion, including recommendations and limitations

Assessment Criteria

As a Masters-level student, you are required to engage in research as per the Australia Quality Framework (AQF) guidelines. Two specific requirements need to be considered. Students need to demonstrate “a body of knowledge that includes the understanding of recent developments in a discipline and/or area of professional practice, and demonstrate "knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to a field of work and/or learning”.

Each unit in the MBA has a number of required weekly readings in terms of academic texts, journals and business publications that represent the appropriate body of knowledge and recent developments referred to by the AQF. In order to demonstrate the ability to engage in appropriate research, students should read and utilize these texts and journals and publications, and as a Masters student, indicate a willingness to research beyond this minimum standard through additional texts, journals and studies that demonstrate an ability to engage in independent research. This is an advanced level course, and accrediting bodies are also looking for evidence of independent research, so the ability to conduct this project without continually relying on your tutors and lecturers is an important part of the learning process for this unit. Students should insure that they understand the specific research that is required for each assessment piece and recognize that if they meet this minimum requirement, you will receive the minimum grade for demonstrated research.

Your attention is drawn to the University’s stated position on plagiarism. THE WORK OF OTHERS, WHICH IS INCLUDED IN THE ASSIGNMENT MUST BE ATTRIBUTED TO ITS SOURCE. A full list of references must be submitted as part of the assessment.

Your assignment will be marked on the following nine criteria, based on the rubric that was also used for assessment 2 – it is attached to this email:

         Title, background, definitions

         Justification, aim and objectives/research questions
         Quality and coherence of introduction and conclusion

         Critical literature review
         Findings and analysis

         Written communication

         Quality and appropriateness of references, and accuracy of referencing

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